Pastors' Blog

Resources for Time at Home


In the past week or so, quite a few resources have been made available. While we will generally be sticking to a devotional format for posts here on the FRPC Pastors’ Blog, today we want to ensure y’all know about these and have a place to return to for access. As we were compiling a list of resources, the ever-helpful Tim Challies provided a wonderful list of free and discounted resources! We will link that below. Also, we will link a few options for your live-streaming pleasure. We pray these are of benefit to your soul and growth in grace.

List of free and discounted stuff:

Live Streaming Options for Sunday:

Christ Covenant in Charlotte, NC — Service at 10:45 —

First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, MI — Service at 11:00 -

First Presbyterian Church in Columbia, SC — Service at 10:00 —

Parkside Church in Cleveland OH —

First Reformed