Pastors' Blog

First Thessalonians 1:4: He Has Chosen You


We are speeding our way through Paul’s first letter to the Thessalonians. In the first and second posts, we looked at some background matters and the first three verses. We are in the middle of Paul thanking God for these young believers in Thessalonica, and we hit a rather sizable statement that requires us to pause and reflect upon his words. Today, we will look only at verse four.

4 For we know, brothers loved by God, that he has chosen you,

Paul, Silas and Timothy are confident about something concerning the Christians in Thessalonica: they have been chosen by God. Here we come face to face with the doctrine of election.

A quick summary of the teaching of Scripture on this topic is that God, prior to creation, sovereignly chose whom he would save through the person and work of his Son (Eph 1:3-4). This choice of God’s was not based on anything that he saw in the ones to whom he would show mercy (Romans 9:1-18), but his free choice is found solely in himself. When we ask the question, “Why?” the Bible simply says, “Because of his love” (Eph 1:4-5).

Is this something new to the ears and hearts of those hearing the letter read aloud? I wonder if Paul had explained this to them when he was with them. Perhaps, for some, this is the first time they are hearing of it and are turning to their friends next to them saying, “What does Paul mean by this? Can this be true?”

Maybe it’s not unlike the first time I heard this. I came to know Christ in my first year at college and it was during a weekend visit home to see my parents in my second year when the word “election” first gonged in my ears. I was rather vocal about wanting them to leave the Catholic church1 and it was in the midst of a conversation about this that my dad dropped a grenade into my tiny one-bedroom apartment of theological understanding: “Have you ever heard of election?” From there, he proceeded to show me various Scripture passages where the Bible teaches what I outlined above.

For about six months, I attempted to show that this wasn’t true biblical teaching and that whoever taught this was completely misunderstanding the “few” places it is discussed in the Bible. Almost everyone I know who goes through this exercise quickly realizes something: it’s everywhere in Scripture!

Finally, R.C. Sproul “sat me down” in one of his video series and explained to me that if the Bible taught it, I had to believe it. It was through that series, Chosen by God,2 that I surrendered to the biblical teaching on election. But I wasn’t really sure what to do with it, and I confessed to the Lord that I still didn’t like it. It would take some further study and other experiences for me to grow in my understanding and love for God’s sovereignty in my salvation.

I wonder if there were any Thessalonians who struggled with this teaching like some do today. When they came to understand it, did they enter the “cage stage” that many must endure?3 Perhaps they heard the simple, but profound, truth and drank it in with all its grandeur. I like to think this is the case!

There are many things we could say about this grand reality, but for now, let’s mention three truths that the Thessalonians would have heard when Paul says they are chosen by God.

First, what this would tell the Thessalonians is that the ultimate reason that they are saved is because God showed mercy to them in Christ, even before they were created. Before the Thessalonians were born, before Thessalonica was a town, before atoms, black holes, darkness and light existed, God chose them to be his own possession.

And this is also true of you, if you know Jesus. God, in eternity past, saw fit to show mercy to you in his Son. It is sovereign grace that saves you and me.

Second, the Thessalonians would recognize that there truly is no room for boasting in themselves. If there was anyone in the church at Thessalonica that boasted because they came to know Jesus, Paul just pulled that rug right out from under them. It is not because they were smarter than anyone else. It is not because they “figured it all out.” It is not because they are righteous. It is all because of God. Boasting in oneself at all is antithetical to a true understanding of the gospel.

Perhaps we know this instinctively, but sometimes can forget. Maybe we begin to think that the reason we understand the gospel and all the truths of God that we have grown into is because we are smarter, better, more righteous. We would never say this, and maybe we wouldn’t even be conscious of it, but it can slip in. Let’s remember that apart from God’s sovereign, gracious choice of us before time, we would be eternally lost.

Though there is no reason for boasting in ourselves, there is ample reason to boast in the Lord, which is what Paul is doing! “You, my beloved Thessalonians, are precious in the sight of God and are loved by him with a greater love than you can possibly imagine! And what we experienced, when we visited you, was God’s eternal will to bring you to himself coming to fruition in time and space.”

Finally, when they hear that God chose them, they would hear this as love language. Paul even prefaces it with the statement that they are “love by God.” This would not be received as some cold doctrine, but a warm, tender declaration of God’s love for them. He chose them in love.

Too often, when we discuss the truth that God chooses those who come to him, it is done in a cold vacuum. But contrary to that is the way these words should hit our ears. This is God’s language of love to us: I chose you. Do we fully understand this? No. Have we even scratched the surface on God’s tremendous love of such treacherous sinners? No. Even after a million years in eternity, we may still be wondering, “How is this possible?”

Take a moment and sing along with these words you undoubtedly know. May the Lord warm your heart in his love as you ponder his sovereign grace toward you in Christ before the foundation of the world.

From my 2008 CD. Words by John Kent Music by Sandra McCracken.

1 I know it might be hard to imagine me being vocal, but give it a try.

2 If you have never watched this video series, it is worth your time.

3 If you are unfamiliar with this term, read these:

Brent Horan