Pastors' Blog

What Happens When We Die?


A few days ago, in this post, I addressed the concern we all have about the possibility of dying alone. Our beloved sister was headed for the bank of the Jordan, and now she has crossed it! What can we say she is experiencing on the other side? What happens to us when we die? Death is sometimes referred to as “falling asleep” in the Bible. Well, what is it like when we wake up in glory? Below are just a few questions to help us consider what we experience after death.

What Do You See?

You see Jesus. The one whom you have known only dimly is now before you. This is what you have been waiting for since the day he saved you. What you have only known by faith, you now know by sight. You see the scars on his hands and feet. You see his face, his beautiful face. And in this you recognize that he knows you and loves you.

What Do You Feel?

Rest and peace. This life, for a Christian, is often described as a fight and a race. It is trial and struggle. You wrestle with your own sin and the brokenness of this world. You endure the non-stop hounding of your old self, even though you have been set free from it. This life leaves you in constant fear because physical, spiritual, emotional, and psychological danger is everywhere.

But this is not the case on the other side of the Jordan. There, your fight with sin has come to an end. Your race is over. The final cut from your old self has been made, and you are made perfectly happy and holy in the Lord. There are no fears because there are no dangers. You are at perfect peace and rest with Jesus by your side.

What Do You Hear?

One thing you hear is the most amazing singing ever!1 The harmonies are spectacularly majestic, for they are fitting for the one upon the throne. But you won’t just hear them, you’ll join in. There are no bad singers, everyone’s voice perfectly fits in with all the rest. Yes, even you who mumbles through songs here on earth, your voice is perfect! And if the songs have transitions, there are “Amens” between!2

Another thing you hear is the voice of Jesus, “Well done my good and faithful servant.” On this side of heaven, when you hear this, you might reflect upon your own heart and think, “I am often not good, or faithful.” But there, perhaps you will understand this with a clarity you lack right now. You know here that whatever is good and faithful in you is from Christ, but when you are finally free of the murkiness of this world, you will know of his grace and favor to you on a whole new level. You will know even more of how good and faithful he has been to you. You will know more fully that it is because of his mercy and love that you can be called a good and faithful servant.

Then your heart will overflow with gratitude and you will join that amazing singing!

What Do You Taste?

I don’t know. But I use this question to remind us that there is still some waiting to do for those in heaven.3 Though all of the above is true, there is still something ahead for those who have gone before. They are waiting to taste something. They await the consummation of all things. For all is not done until God has gathered all of his people together, sent all of his and our enemies out of his gracious presence, and raised our bodies out of the ground, uniting them with our souls.4

At the great Day of Resurrection, we will all taste the wedding feast of the Lamb together.

Can We Imagine How Great this Will Be?

No, we cannot. However great, wonderful, beautiful, and glorious we have tried to imagine it to be, we have not come close to the reality. No eye has seen, no ear has heard, no heart has fathomed what God has in store for us. I have been reading a book of meditations on the greatness of God called, God is Always Better Than We Can Imagine.5 That sums it up nicely. The reality of what our sister is experiencing is truly beyond expression and comprehension for us here and now.

But one day, we will know and experience these things. For now, we can let our imaginations run wild with the guardrails of Scripture. We can dream of the wondrous future that is ahead for all those in Christ. Maybe do some of that dreaming tomorrow, as this song encourages us. If you'd like the lyrics, here they are.

1 Check out the blog series on Revelation 4-5 for more on some of these topcis.

2 Our sister might be leading this with the four living creatures (Rev 5:14).

3 But this is not like the frustrated waiting you might experience here. This is sanctified waiting.

4 For now, our bodies are still united to Jesus, though they are waiting to be raised. (WLC #86)

5 Highly recommend this book.

Brent Horan