Pastors' Blog

First Thessalonians 1:6, 9-10: Joy of the Holy Spirit


Today we come to our final wave of imitation. In the previous two posts, we saw that the Thessalonians were imitating Paul in receiving the word in affliction and proclaiming the word in affliction. This third wave is something shared by all those in Christ: joy of the Holy Spirit. 

6 And you became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you received the word in much affliction, with the joy of the Holy Spirit,

Let’s say three things about this.

We Share in the Joy of God

There are a couple different angles to pursue in the phrase, “joy of the Holy Spirit.” The first is that this joy is given by the Holy Spirit. It is a gift. This joy is not something the Thessalonians produced in themselves but it was produced by the Spirit of God. 

Notice, secondly, it’s the joy of a Person. What the Thessalonians are now sharing in is the joy of the Triune God. Think of the perfect fellowship that exists within the three Persons, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. From all eternity God has had perfect contentment, peace and joy within himself. What is overwhelming is to consider that this is what eternal life is: we share in the life of God through Jesus Christ. And in that life is a joy inexpressible that is ours even now because we are united to Christ.

Our Joy is Connected to the Word We Receive

Paul says they receive the word with this joy. Down in verses 9-10, some of that word is expressed. 

9 you turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God, 10 and to wait for his Son from heaven, whom he raised from the dead, Jesus who delivers us from the wrath to come.

They came to know the true and living God. They now had a restored relationship with the one who made them and has now saved them. They now have a love for Jesus and cannot wait for him to return to make all things new and right. And he is alive! He’s been raised from the dead. And in this they know that they have been raised with him, spiritually, and look forward to the time of being raised physically with him as well. 

And this Jesus, who is no longer in the grave, but is in heaven where he rules and reigns and is one day coming back for them, has delivered them from the wrath the come. The Thessalonians know that God will one day pour out his wrath on those who do not obey the gospel, and they know that they deserve to be counted among those who are drowned in that flood. But wonderfully, they also know that this is not the future for them. God has shown mercy to them in Jesus.

Drinking in the word of our salvation in Christ is like one big gulp of joy to our hearts.

Our Joy Is Other-Worldly

This joy is not found in this world. If our joy is tied to this world, it cannot sustain us and, ultimately, it’s not true joy. This world is a continual disappointment and a joy robber. Affliction that comes from all directions seems to try to attack our joy and steal it. 

But this world cannot steal our true joy because it’s tied to the world that is coming. And this is a reminder to us that we do not experience the fulness of the joy of the Holy Spirit in this life. In this life, we must fight for joy. We have to continually have our minds renewed in the gospel so that we can experience a measure of joy in God here and now. 

And here is where we can see that the Thessalonians experienced what often eludes us in this life: joy in affliction. The joy of knowing Christ, waiting for his return and experiencing the joy of the Holy Spirit gave them perspective on their suffering and strengthened them to endure it. 

This same joy is ours in Christ. May this song be an aid to experiencing that joy.

Brent Horan