Letter to the Congregation: Details of Our Reopening
To the Church Family of FRPC,
Well it has been twelve Sundays since we have been able to gather together as a church for worship. Perhaps we did not expect our time of separation to last as long as it has, but from the Lord’s providential and good hand, we have experienced an extended time of exile from the corporate body of Christ on earth. And by that same hand, it seems we are slowly coming out of exile. Praise him for this sweet mercy!
As we are looking forward to coming together this Sunday, June 7th, we wanted to make you aware of what that will look like. The elders, in consultation with deacons and others in our church, have spent many hours discussing how best to gather again for worship in these strange times. We have tried to take into account all the variables that are in play in our “new” world. Following the various guidelines with regard to the virus and providing an environment for corporate worship has not been easy to balance. We beg your prayers and patience as we seek to navigate the ever-changing waters in which we are all swimming. Things will be different, but we hope that these necessary changes will only be temporary. We will continue to evaluate the situation and make adjustments as needed. We welcome your feedback.
We know that there are numerous opinions about the many issues surrounding our present circumstances. We would ask you to revisit this blog post and this podcast episode. Also, please read this article from The Gospel Coalition. The Enemy would love to see the Church destroy itself in division. Let’s seek the peace and unity of our particular church family and the Church universal. Keep these Scriptures close to the heart:
Romans 12:10 — Love one another with brotherly affection. Outdo one another in showing honor.
Romans 12:18 — If possible, so far as it depends on you, live peaceably with all.
Philippians 2:1-8 — So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind. Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.
Here are the details and guidelines for worship services at FRPC:
Two Services
— We will be offering two service times (9:00 and 11:15) in order to achieve proper social distancing in our sanctuary. These services will be identical.
— We will be providing a video/live stream of our 11:15 service. More information will be coming your way in a separate email.
— Services will be slightly abbreviated and about an hour long.
— We will not be celebrating the Lord’s Supper for now.
— There will be offering boxes at the front and back of the sanctuary instead of passing a plate.
— Bulletins will be stacked at the front and back entrances, for your convenience.
— We are working toward a child care plan, but until one is available to us, we cannot offer child care or nursery.
— Each service will have a limited capacity of 100 and so you must register for the service you will be attending. Registration will be open and available beginning every Wednesday morning. For this coming Sunday, registration is open now. Click here to register.
— Please seek to arrive 15-20 minutes early.
Entering and Seating
— When you enter the building, please head straight to the sanctuary. The front entrance, upstairs bathrooms, mother’s room (with changing table), welcome center and sanctuary will be open and accessible. The fellowship hall, nursery and reformation hall will be closed. For your safety and the staff's, we ask that you please not enter the church offices.
— We ask that you practice social distancing while on church grounds. No handshakes, hugs, close contact, etc. We kindly ask parents to encourage the same with their children. Children will not be permitted to run or roam through the church building.
— There will be limited seating in the sanctuary, as we will only be using every third row.
— Different rows will be utilized for 9:00 and 11:15 services.
— We have removed the pads from the rows we will be using.
— You are welcomed and encouraged to sit with others with whom you have not practiced social distancing.
— If you are a family or group of five to seven, we would ask that you sit in the outer rows of pews.
— In the middle section, there will be a divider to help maintain six feet of separation. The divider is adjustable in order for there to be flexibility in how the row is utilized. Please ensure this divider is between you and another group.
— If you are a family/group of 8 or more (or fill the pew), you may place the divider on the ground or an unused pew.
— Deacons and elders will be ready to guide you to your seat and answer any questions.
— Masks are required when in the building at FRPC.
— But once you are seated in your pew, you may remove your mask.
— We are going to require masks during singing. We realize that this could present certain challenges, but it has been reported that singing raises the risk of spreading the virus (please read here).
— Masks for children will be at the discretion of their parents. The CDC recommends that children under 2 not wear a mask.
— Please bring your own masks. However, if you forget or do not have one yet, we will have them available, along with hand sanitizer, at each entrance.
Exiting and Cleaning
— The deacons will dismiss you two rows at a time in the front and back. Please exit quickly.
— The sanctuary and common areas throughout the building will be cleaned immediately following the 9:00 service.
— We ask that if you fellowship with others that you please do so outside and maintain social distancing.
— If you are registered for the 11:15 service but would like to come at 10:00 or any time between services to fellowship with others outside, you are welcome and encouraged to do so.
Will You Attend?
— Please exercise wisdom in deciding whether or not you will attend.
— If you are ill in any way, especially if you are experiencing symptoms such as cough, shortness of breath, fever, chills, muscle pain, sore throat or new loss of taste or smell, please stay home.
— If you fit the categories of high risk for this virus (i.e. aged 65+ or immunocompromised) or if you are simply not comfortable gathering in a large group at this time, please feel no pressure to return and take advantage of the live stream.
— We understand and respect that, as a matter of Christian freedom, during these extraordinary times some of us may choose to stay home.
Please wear your mask when entering and exiting the building.
Please sit in the open pews. Ensure two pews are between you and those in front of you.
Please slide the wooden divider to ensure social distancing. Place in an empty pew or on the ground if it is not needed.
When seated and not singing, you may remove your mask and listen intently.
When singing, please sing with gusto—with your mask on!
Now it just needs you! We’re excited to see you soon!
We are so looking forward to worshiping together again this Sunday. Let us prepare our hearts, even now, for this time of celebration and this opportunity for the Lord to feed our souls by songs, fellowship, prayer and his word.
Blessings in Christ,
The Session of FRPC
If you have any questions about this letter, or perhaps something not mentioned here, please email Pastor Brent or use the contact form at the bottom of the front page.